Thursday, August 25, 2011

I'm shit at titles

We've moved from crack hotel to a nice little house thing on the corner of Crack Street and Man Got Shot 17 Times Avenue.
I can sincerely say that I am not exaggerating when I say what a ghetto this place is. It's super hilarious, or at least it is until I inevitably get mugged, because then I'm going to be pissed. But currently the cheap rent is worth whatever hilarious shenanigans we put up with.
We walked past a sign yesterday that said something along the line of "Blah blah Tire Store Kikes"
And then "Kikes" was sort of painted over but you could still see it. It wasn't graffiti. Someone legit got a sign made that said "Kikes." The fuck is this shit.

Russell flew in Friday to surprise me, which apparently everyone ever knew was happening but me. So he just showed up at the bar I was at and blew my mind out of my skull. +1000 points for Russell. If I hadn't been so shocked I probably would've got on my knees and blown him right there.
So that was a solid weekend of drinking and fucking....around. Russell got classic Russell'd and it was just great. Especially because he was wearing a tank top and bowling shoes most of the time.

Time for sleep, drunk Russell.

My birthday wasn't crazy exciting mostly because my "ID" says my birthday is in May, so I couldn't go around being like, "Oh my God I'm twenty! Shots! Lets do shots!" But drinks are so cheap here I don't even need to try and get people to buy me them. I am going full alcoholic, and it's beautiful.

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